Smart Cutting Tool Cabinet(NoGrid)

  • 431
Product Review | Top Rated

Smart cutting tool cabinet(NoGrid), which serves machining enterprises and is used around the machine tool processing production line. It saves the time for enterprise employees to get tools and improves the efficiency of getting tools. Enterprise employees can use our products to get, return (scrap, repair). Smart cutting tool cabinet (NoGrid) does not include tool return grid. After the operator has used cutting tools, they can return it through the scrapping and repairing por

    Additional Information

  • Color: Default Color
  • Size: Default Size
  • Origin: China
  • Usage: Default Usage
  • Type: Default Type
  • Efficiency: 99.9% Type


Smart cutting tool cabinet(NoGrid), which serves machining enterprises and is used around the machine tool processing production line. It saves the time for enterprise employees to get tools and improves the efficiency of getting tools.

Enterprise employees can use our products to get, return (scrap, repair).

Smart cutting tool cabinet (NoGrid) does not include tool return grid. After the operator has used cutting tools, they can return it through the scrapping and repairing ports.

Enterprise bosses can monitor the details of employees use of cutting tools, replenish and replace tools in time, count the number of tools used by enterprise employees, and count the tool costs of processing workpieces.

Our intelligent cutting tool cabinet can store 400 kinds of cutting tools, and each tool can store 20-200 pieces.

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